Saturday, January 30, 2010

Cartoon Breast Torture Does Anyone Remember Which Cartoon It Was That Had A FEMALE Robot That Had Missles Shoot From Her Breast Area?

Does anyone remember which cartoon it was that had a FEMALE robot that had missles shoot from her breast area? - cartoon breast torture

This was not the processor or Voltron!


Awesome! said...

Mahoromatic Could it be?


Puremazd... said...

I've been wondering the same question. Aphrodite is that such TranZor I hardly remember it and the main robot w / yellow wings. And I remember only that it was pink and white and **** were rockets. What is a robot!

awwwwwma... said...

You can mention TranZor Z.

Is that all?

This is one of the first animes that I can remember.

czaerrat... said...

I forgot what Powers.Sorry Austin.

Brendon said...

I think I saw in a dream once ...

JOHN said...

sorry never heard of

Moka said...

hey I think you are talking Britny Spears
ASTIA powers ..... lol
sry i Duno!

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